Tuesday, July 9, 2013

8 Women (DVD)

8 Women (DVD)

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8 Women (DVD)
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8 Women (DVD)8 Women (DVD)
From French director Francois Ozon 8 WOMEN is a character drama and musical set in a country home during Christmastime in the 1950s Though the atmosphere seems light and festive when the host Marcel is stabbed in the back one of the eight women in the house must be the culprit The youngest of the bunch Catherine Ludivine Sagnier is a teenager who loved her Daddy and also loves police novels Her sister Suzon Virginie Ledoyen is a student in England who has traveled home for the holiday Their mom is Gaby Catherine Deneuve the ungrieving wife of Marcel who never reveals too much Grandma who goes by Mamie Danielle Darrieux is an alcoholic who reveals that she s not as innocent as she looks when she walks right out of her wheelchair Marcel s sister Pierrette Fanny Ardant arrives mysteriously just after the murder The maids Louise Emmanuelle Beart and Chanel Firmine Richard are obviously up to no good as their stories keep changing And the neurotic and hilarious Augustine Isabelle Huppert Gaby s sister is the aging virgin who is just plain unstable As each of these women interrogate each other each singing her own song as a type of encrypted confession there are some very funny moments 8 WOMEN unfolds like a demented CLUE with absurd tidbits of information-Chanel is actually an exotic dancer Gaby and Louise are lesbian lovers-coming straight from Ozon s quirky sense of humor A magnificent set a snowy backdrop and candy colored costumes complete this wacky tongue-in-cheek affair


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